Kako Je, Ko Američan Prvič Obišče Avstralijo - Matador Network

Kako Je, Ko Američan Prvič Obišče Avstralijo - Matador Network
Kako Je, Ko Američan Prvič Obišče Avstralijo - Matador Network

Ko slišite ljudi, kako se pogovarjajo v Sydneyju

You sound like you're from London
You sound like you're from London

Ko slišite, da se ljudje pogovarjajo kjer koli drugje v Avstraliji

English, motherfucker, do you speak it?
English, motherfucker, do you speak it?

Ko ugotovite, vam ni treba napovedati ali plačevati davka na obroke

Oh yeah
Oh yeah

Toda nato naročite svojo prvo pijačo v Sydneyju in ugotovite, da je 22 dolarjev

Man pulls off sunglasses
Man pulls off sunglasses

Toda potem ugotoviš, da večina restavracij dovoli, da prineseš svoj alkohol

Man slaps own face
Man slaps own face

Ko poskušate razumeti pravila kriketa

Man looks perplexed, disappointed, overwhelmed, and depressed
Man looks perplexed, disappointed, overwhelmed, and depressed

Kaj na koncu spoznaš za kriket

The important thing is to be drunk
The important thing is to be drunk

In sčasoma, kako gledaš kriket

I don't know what we're yelling about
I don't know what we're yelling about

Ko poskušate pretvoriti Celzija v Fahrenheit

Woman looks up at ceiling while doing some mental math
Woman looks up at ceiling while doing some mental math

Ko ti nekdo pove, kako dober je vegemit

cough, bullshit
cough, bullshit

Ko imate prvo pivo Tooheys

man sips drink and gets grossed out
man sips drink and gets grossed out

Ko slišite deklico, da ne najde jermena

Captain Picard makes goofy face
Captain Picard makes goofy face

Če predlagate, da Heath Ledger ni bil igralec tako velik

Person leaps over lunchroom table and punches someone
Person leaps over lunchroom table and punches someone

Ko vas vprašajo, ali imajo vsi v ZDA pištolo

Michelle Tanner rolls her eyes and says DUH
Michelle Tanner rolls her eyes and says DUH

Ko te pokličejo ac ** t in se nihče ne užaljeni

Gaping guy considers something with disbelief
Gaping guy considers something with disbelief

Kako začnete pozdravljati ljudi po prvem tednu

A toy embraces another toy and touches its face
A toy embraces another toy and touches its face

Ko uspešno zapeljete po levi strani ceste

Applaud me
Applaud me

Prvič zagledate 5-palčnega pajka

Home Alone kid screams and runs away
Home Alone kid screams and runs away

Vsakič po tem

Animated dude spins revolver chambers: I guess this is the night bitches die
Animated dude spins revolver chambers: I guess this is the night bitches die

In na povratku domov
