6 Nasvetov Za Boljšo Poletno Fotografijo - Matador Network

6 Nasvetov Za Boljšo Poletno Fotografijo - Matador Network
6 Nasvetov Za Boljšo Poletno Fotografijo - Matador Network

Meditacija + duhovnost


Med izstrelkom mojega podkastja leta 2012, razstavo enosmernih vozovnic, sem opravil intervju z nekaterimi najbolj vznemirljivimi fotografi danes, vključno z galerijo Wyatt. Galerija je prejemnica Fulbright Fellowship, PDN 30, PDN Rising Stars in 25 Under 25 Up-and-Coming American Photographers z Univerze Duke. Njegove fotografije so v številnih javnih in zasebnih zbirkah. Prva knjiga galerije: "Življenje v šotoru: Haiti" je razprodana od prve izdaje. Sledilo je "#SANDY", ki ga je ameriška revija American Photo izbrala za "Najboljše foto knjige 2014". 100% avtorskih honorarjev za obe knjigi je bilo podarjenih za podporo obnovi.

V svojem nedavnem intervjuju za Galerijo (ja, to je res njegov priimek!) Sem poiskal nasvete za snemanje ikoničnih destinacij, da bi bili videti sveži pred poletno potovalno sezono.

Tu je njegovih 5 kazalcev:

1. Usmerite svoj notranji Zen

Photo: I made this photo with my Pentax 6x7 camera and a shift lens on a tripod using Kodak 160ASA film. Film is much less light sensitive than digital which means the dusk exposure took 15 minutes to expose at F11. During the long exposure the clouds were constantly moving directly behind the Hindu Temple. Combined with the multiple lights sources that cannot be recorded as neutral white light on one exposure, the results are a very colorful surreal photograph with great motion in the sky
Photo: I made this photo with my Pentax 6x7 camera and a shift lens on a tripod using Kodak 160ASA film. Film is much less light sensitive than digital which means the dusk exposure took 15 minutes to expose at F11. During the long exposure the clouds were constantly moving directly behind the Hindu Temple. Combined with the multiple lights sources that cannot be recorded as neutral white light on one exposure, the results are a very colorful surreal photograph with great motion in the sky

Foto: to fotografijo sem naredil s svojo kamero Pentax 6 × 7 in premičnim objektivom na stativa z uporabo Kodak 160ASA filma. Film je veliko manj občutljiv na svetlobo kot digitalni, kar pomeni, da je bila izpostavljenost mraku 15 minut izpostavljena na F11. Med dolgo izpostavljenostjo so se oblaki neprestano premikali neposredno za hindujskim templjem. V kombinaciji z več viri luči, ki jih ni mogoče zabeležiti kot nevtralno belo svetlobo na eni izpostavljenosti, so rezultati zelo barvita nadrealna fotografija z velikim gibanjem na nebu.

"Veliko verjamem v vsakodnevno posredovanje in menim, da me to postavlja v cono, ki pritegne globlje fotografije [in], da bom v teh krajih ob pravem času prišla ob pravem času. Zato menim, da je to (posredovanje) ključno za pridobitev izkušnje, ki ni le turistična izkušnja na površini."

2. Naj bo fotoaparat v ohišju

Photo: As the sun began to rise, I felt so overwhelmed by the abundance of beauty and different possibilities of photographs. I hurried across the ridge of a dune to capture a direct view of the sun rising, knowing I only had a limited amount of time before I lost the soft morning light and the sun was too strong. While taking that photograph, I looked to my left slightly behind me to see Obaida’s son was awake and had joined me on the top of a sand dune to view the rising of the sun. I quickly composed this image before he walked off
Photo: As the sun began to rise, I felt so overwhelmed by the abundance of beauty and different possibilities of photographs. I hurried across the ridge of a dune to capture a direct view of the sun rising, knowing I only had a limited amount of time before I lost the soft morning light and the sun was too strong. While taking that photograph, I looked to my left slightly behind me to see Obaida’s son was awake and had joined me on the top of a sand dune to view the rising of the sun. I quickly composed this image before he walked off

Foto: Ko se je sonce začelo vzhajati, sem se počutila tako prežeta z obilico lepote in različnimi možnostmi fotografij. Pohitela sem po grebenu sipine, da sem posnela neposreden pogled na sonce, ki se dviga, saj sem vedela, da imam le omejen čas, preden sem izgubila mehko jutranjo svetlobo in je bilo sonce premočno. Med fotografiranjem sem pogledal levo nekoliko za sabo, da vidim, da je sin Obaide buden in se mi je pridružil na vrhu peščene sipine, da bi si ogledal vzhajajoče sonce. Hitro sem sestavil to sliko, preden je odšel.

"Ne fotografiraj! Ja, tako je, rekel sem. Ne slikajte prve slike! Nekaj časa sedite tam. Absorbirajte prizor. Absorbirajo okolje. Bodi tam. Izkušnje tam. In potem začutite, na kaj ste pritegnjeni s kamero. Ker je digitalna in lahko posnamemo na tisoče fotografij [ne] neprekinjeno pritiskajte gumb zaklopa in posnamemo vse. Vzemite si trenutek. Občutite to in začutite, kaj vas privlači."

3. Vstanite pred petelini

Photo: On this day I walked along the waterfront hoping to catch some soft morning light hitting an old building. Before I got to the building, I noticed the sun begin to warm up the sky with color and then the silhouette of a fisherman slowly walked out to the end of the little overhang jutting into the sea. It pays to get up before sunrise and move slowly, as well as use a tripod to create movement in water with the use of long exposures
Photo: On this day I walked along the waterfront hoping to catch some soft morning light hitting an old building. Before I got to the building, I noticed the sun begin to warm up the sky with color and then the silhouette of a fisherman slowly walked out to the end of the little overhang jutting into the sea. It pays to get up before sunrise and move slowly, as well as use a tripod to create movement in water with the use of long exposures

Foto: Na ta dan sem se sprehajal ob rivi v upanju, da ujamem nekaj mehke jutranje luči, ki je udarila v staro zgradbo. Preden sem prišel do stavbe, sem opazil, da sonce začne barvati nebo z barvo, nato pa se je silhueta ribiča počasi odpravila do konca majhnega previsa, ki je skočil v morje. Izplača se vstati pred sončnim vzhodom in se počasi premikati, pa tudi uporabljati stativ za ustvarjanje gibanja v vodi z uporabo dolgih izpostavljenosti.

"Zbudite se res zgodaj zjutraj, preden se sonce vzhaja in pojdite zunaj, ko sonce vzhaja in dobite čudovito barvito svetlobo, ki se bo pojavila v tisti jutranji čudežni uri. In naredite isto popoldne. Sredi dneva poskušam fotografirati znotraj, nato pa počakam, da naredim zunanje posnetke."

4. Potrpežljivost je popolna

Photo: When I finally arrived at this stunning view oF Shanghai, I wanted to get a clear unobstructed view of thE skyline but there were so many people around. Instead, I chose to wait patiently until there weren't a group of people in the view. But then this photographer set up to take the same angle and it just felt like that was THE shot I was actually waiting for. I love how he shows the scale of the towering skyline
Photo: When I finally arrived at this stunning view oF Shanghai, I wanted to get a clear unobstructed view of thE skyline but there were so many people around. Instead, I chose to wait patiently until there weren't a group of people in the view. But then this photographer set up to take the same angle and it just felt like that was THE shot I was actually waiting for. I love how he shows the scale of the towering skyline

Foto: Ko sem končno prispela do tega osupljivega razgleda na Šanghaj, sem želela dobiti jasen neoviran pogled na nebo, vendar je bilo naokoli toliko ljudi. Namesto tega sem se odločil potrpežljivo počakati, dokler ni bilo na ogled skupine ljudi. Toda potem se je ta fotograf postavil pod enak kot in pravkar je bilo videti, da je to posnetek, ki sem ga pravzaprav čakal. Všeč mi je, kako prikazuje lestvico vrtoglavega obrisa.

"Videla bom prizor, ki mi je všeč, in sedela bom tam in čakala in čakala do pravega trenutka, prave luči, prava oseba, ki bo šla mimo, karkoli že je. Vzeti si morate čas. Ljudje se morajo nehati voziti skozi prostore."

5. Izkop celico

Photo: While traveling through India with my 4x5 view camera, I found that I really stood out and could not disappear into the crowds. So I realized I could take advantage of this to get some portraits, but it would require me being comfortable with being uncomfortable
Photo: While traveling through India with my 4x5 view camera, I found that I really stood out and could not disappear into the crowds. So I realized I could take advantage of this to get some portraits, but it would require me being comfortable with being uncomfortable

Foto: Med potovanjem po Indiji s svojo 4 × 5 kamero za ogled sem ugotovil, da resnično izstopam in ne morem izginiti v množici. Tako sem ugotovil, da lahko to izkoristim, da dobim nekaj portretov, vendar bi bilo potrebno, da mi bo prijetno, če bi bil neprijeten.

»Spravi se s telefona! Vsi hodijo naokoli z glavo navzdol in gledajo v telefon. Ste v tuji državi. Znebite se telefona. Ne uporabljajte niti GPS. Vprašajte ljudi za navodila. Interakcija z ljudmi. Izpostavite se. Postavite se ven, da boste morali govoriti z drugimi. In to bo ustvarilo neverjetno potovanje [in neverjetne fotografije]. "Kot fotograf sem se moral z enim nasvetom zapisati:

6. Pazi na hrbet

"Nekdo mi je nekoč rekel, da če ti ni všeč to, kar boš streljal, se obrni in posnameš strel, ki je za vami!"
